LENS is glad to announce our joint meeting on light vehicles, which is organised in cooperation with ACEM and POLIS. The two-day event will take place from 17-18 September 2024 at the premises of IFPEN in Paris, France.

Domestic participants from France are eligible for a 300€ reimbursement of travel costs (hotel night & mobility costs) and European participants have the opportunity to claim up to 500€.

L-vehicles are often an inexpensive and efficient way to get around cities, but also cause significant noise- and air pollution. Nevertheless, this particular mode of transport is often forgotten by policy makers and city administrations. Since L-vehicles are often an inexpensive, but also polluting mode of transport, which is often forgotten by policy makers of European cities, POLIS, ACEM and IFPEN will bring light vehicles to the centre of attention with a dedicated working group meeting about this vehicle category. Participants will have the chance to gain a holistic overview of the day-to-day impacts and externalities of L-vehicles in urban areas, while having the opportunity to attend the live noise- and air pollution measurement campaign of LENS and receive a tour of the IFPEN vehicle (components) testing laboratory.

L-vehicle focus topics

Since L-vehicles are a POLIS priority of 2024, as they are often overlooked in the policy-making processes, this dedicated event will raise awareness and promote exchange between POLIS members and external participants from the LENS stakeholder & city platform. Each of the following topics will have 75min-long session, which includes presentations from POLIS members and/or ACEM, followed by an open discussion, moderated by the dedicated working group chairs; 

  • Clean Vehicles & Air Quality – Infrastructure requirements for small electric vehicles
  • Access & WG Parking – Parking management of L-vehicles in dense urban contexts with limited curb space 
  • Urban Freight – L-vehicles as the backbone of urban goods & food deliveries
  • Safety & Security – Challenge of L-vehicles exclusion from category of vulnerable road users
  • Governance – Share L-vehicle operation in urban areas  

Our LENS contributions

The second noise- and air pollution tests will be undertaken in Paris in the week of the event, which will further inform the upcoming deliverables, vehicle performance statistics and other results, which will be summarised and transposed into policy recommendations for cities and regions to tackle L-vehicle pollution and illegal tampering.

Preliminary Agenda*

Subject to change and future updates

Day 1 – 17 September 2024
  • 9:00     Welcome Words by IFPEN
  • 9:30     Setting the scene: insights from ACEM and POLIS
  • 9:30     Frugal electric vehicles – the missing link in ZE urban mobility?
  • 10:45   Parking management and Road space (re)Allocation
  • 12:00   Coffee break
  • 12:15   Governance & Integration
  • 13:30   Lunch
  • 14:30   Urban Freight
  • 15:45   Safety & Security
  • 17:00   Coffee break
  • 17:15   Paris measures to curb (L-vehicle) pollution, Bruitparif
  • 17:45   Introduction to the LENS project: setting the scene for day 2
  • 19:00   Dinner (TBD)

Day 2 – 18 September 2024  
  • 8:30   Welcome Coffee
  • 9:00 Welcome words
  • 9:30   In the spotlight: IFPEN R&I activities
  • 9:45   LENS overview & highlights
  • 10:15  LENS Paris roadside measurement campaign
  • 10:45   Outlook on LENS Barcelona on-site event
  • 11:00   Coffee Break and walk to site visit location
  • 12:00   On-site visit of the roadside inspections
  • 13:00   Return to IFPEN and end of meeting

*Please be aware that the planned agenda and site visits are subject to minor change, due to the availability of speakers, changes in the LENS testing regime and acute weather constellations.