LENS is delighted to invite our city- & stakeholder platform partners to our first physical workshop and event on 15-16 May at Van Den Heuvel Institute (Dekenstraat 2, 3000 Leuven) in Leuven. The fully reimbursed two-day event in the Belgian city will allow partners to gain an insight in the on-site live testing of noise- and air-pollution of L-vehicles and engage with our technical experts, academia and the local authorities of Leuven.

In the afternoon of the first day (15 May), a hybrid information session will introduce the LENS project, the live testing equipment and intentions of the Leuven authorities to the attendees. This is followed by a joint dinner, as well as and a site visit of the live noise- and air pollution tests in the morning of the second day (16 May).

The fully-reimbursed trip will be the first event of LENS to engage with a wider audience of experts, followed by a demonstration and live testing event in Paris in autumn of 2024.

Draft agenda (15.5.)

Van Den Heuvel Institute (Dekenstraat 2, 3000 Leuven)

12:00 – 13:00: Arrival & Light Lunch

Welcome words by LENS and local representatives

Presentation of L-vehicle testing equipment

Coffee Break

Tampering detection

Information of upcoming LENS in-field surveys

Laboratory testing of L-vehicle emissions

Coffee Break

Communication & Upcoming Plans

Site visit

18:30 – 21:00: Dinner

Site Visit (16.5.) – MOVED TO WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (17-18:00)