TU Graz has developed new measurement techniques and methods to measure emissions from category-L vehicles in realistic operation and to determine corresponding limit values. The following text is a summary of an article about the measurement campaign of our project...
The LENS partner Czech University of Life Sciences Prague cooperated with other Czech scholars to publish a paper on remote sensing measurements of the point sampling type. Even though measurement in the Czech capital of Prague were planned as part of the previous...
LENS presented its latest results during the POLIS Conference, which took place from 27-28 November 2024 in the German city of Karlsruhe. Our project partner Ake Sjödin from IVL presented on behalf of LENS by sharing the latest project results during session 1E “Air...
The recent LENS City and Stakeholder Event in Barcelona on 15 October brought together city representatives, researchers and industry stakeholders to address the pressing issue of pollution caused by light vehicles (LVs) and explore solutions developed by the...
As part of the second roadside measurement campaign in Rueil-Malmaison and Dampierre-en-Yvelines near to the French capital of Paris, LENS invited its stakeholders and external guests to visit the noise- and air pollution tests and to discuss L-vehicle policies at the...
Information pursuant to Article 13 (1) and (2) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to the collection of personal data – privacy statement. Within the scope of vehicle noise and pollutant emission measurements under the Horizon Europe project LENS,...