The ‘Conference on the results from road transport research’ (RTR 2024) provided the stage for various projects to present plans, achievements and results that were supported by EU-funding. LENS joined the rows of innovative projects about road freight, space management, electric charging, traffic management and other research that were presented across three days in Brussels this week. The project presentation shared a session with the NEMO project, a fantastic arrangement, as both projects measure noise- and air pollution and are planning to enhance the collaboration even further across 2024.

Besides general remarks about the duration and scope of the project and its involved partners, project coordinator Prof. Leonidas Ntziachristos also shared photos of recent laboratory- and round robin tests. Additionally, the results of the questionnaire on illegal tampering methods was explained. Thanks to several photos of the latest vehicle tests, Ntziachristos illustrated the upcoming real-world test pilots in Leuven, Firenze and Paris throughout this year.
The presentation was closed by highlighting the medium- to long-term impacts on city authorities and enforcement agencies. For example, LENS expects to provide guidance on measures to reduce L-vehicle specific pollution and provide insights and solutions of on-road measurements, based on the three pilots.