News and Events
Meet LENS at SETC 2024 in Bangkok
The 'Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan' (JSAE) is pleased to announce that the 28th Small...
Insight into our Leuven roadside measurement campaign
The first LENS tampering in-field survey and roadside measurement campaign, which took place last...
Partnership in action: How Leuven’s police and city council enabled L-vehicle testing
Some 170 mopeds, motorcycles and other L-vehicles were tested last week during noise and air...
LENS workshop tackles tampering in-field and roadside measurement
The LENS on-site test campaign started this week in Leuven,...
GDPR & privacy statement for Leuven testing campaign
Information pursuant to Article 13 (1) and (2) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to...
Positive review meeting marks half-time of LENS project
A significant milestone for LENS was achieved today with the successful review meeting, which took...
LENS study presented at diverse TRA session on noise
The Transport Research Arena (TRA), which took place from 15-18 April in Dublin, Ireland, offered...
Converging Strengths: Stakeholder Group and City Platform join forces!
Nearly 20 representatives from the L-vehicle industry, cities, regions and citizens’ initiatives...
Invitation: LENS City & Stakeholder Group Workshop in Leuven
LENS is delighted to invite our city- & stakeholder platform partners to our first physical...
Exploring Grounds: LENS Experts Survey Potential Testing Sites in Leuven
Theoretically, measuring noise- and air pollution of L-vehicles and other traffic seems...